AMD's second-generation Epyc server processor, codenamed "Rome"
AMD Unleashes Its Second Epyc Assault on Intel’s Data Center ReignAMD Unleashes Its Second Epyc Assault on Intel’s Data Center Reign
Claims second-gen Epyc server chips are up to two times more powerful than top-of-the-line Xeon
Chatsworth Products’ Passive Cooling®Technology Enables Colocation Provider to Double Rack Densities at Increased Operational Efficiencies update
Chatsworth Products’ Passive Cooling®Technology Enables Colocation Provider to Double Rack Densities at Increased Operational Efficiencies update from August 2019Chatsworth Products’ Passive Cooling®Technology Enables Colocation Provider to Double Rack Densities at Increased Operational Efficiencies update from August 2019
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